Vector Marketing The Sales Pyramid Scheme Thats Costing You Time And Money - Vector is not an mlm, but it is a legitimate way to earn some money. It is not a pyramid scheme, and it does not require any upfront costs. The controversy surrounding vector marketing often revolves around accusations of it being a pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes are illegal business models that primarily focus on. So is vector marketing a pyramid scheme in disguise? Vector marketing was founded in 1981 in philadelphia, pennsylvania. Vector marketing is a company that recruits new participants to sell products to the existing members rather than the general public. It is not a pyramid scheme, but the federal.
Vector is not an mlm, but it is a legitimate way to earn some money. It is not a pyramid scheme, and it does not require any upfront costs. The controversy surrounding vector marketing often revolves around accusations of it being a pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes are illegal business models that primarily focus on. So is vector marketing a pyramid scheme in disguise?